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Making Lemonade...

We've all heard the expression.

Last week I was dealt a huge disappointment, think of missing out on a promotion for a job I've relieved in intermittently for over 20 years.

I admit .... I cried ..... I wallowed..... I got angry (contemplated telling work where they could store the job out of the sunshine) realised I'm actually too young ..... yet.... to retire. My BFF (best friend forever) video called me unexpectantly from overseas; thank god for BFF ESP. She listened and said all the right things.

The next day, I practised Yoga, breathed and ticked some jobs off my list.

Friends checked in with how I was.

The sting eased a little.

I got caught up in an impromptu handball competition with my grandkids, daughter and son in law.

Then I watched my elderly parents go for a quick run in their historic EH sedan. The car from their budding romance days; before I came along and the need for practicality won out!

As the song goes, "I will survive...." Life is about disappointments and things just not going your way, but in the end what matters?

For me. Friends, Family, Health. And I'm blessed with them all.

Embrace the disappointment. Life isn't always meant to be easy. Don't lose focus on what matters. Things will get better.

Be free to live your best life

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