I have nearly another week until the end of February so technically I'm not finished yet.....
How did I go?
I still haven't drank any alcohol. The other night I dreamt I'd had a wine and felt really disappointed that I'd "failed".
Have I missed it? Occasionally. Less than I thought I would.
Do I feel better?
Sorry to disappoint, not really. I haven't been sleeping better, if anything possibly worse! Maybe my energy levels are higher so that's why!? I haven't noticed glowing skin and pretty sure I haven't lost any weight.
I think my moods are better so that is a plus.
Did I drink my Kombucha from a wine glass? I sure did, lol. Did I eat better, not really (that might account for the no weight loss, lol) ..... view the photo evidence.
Did I buy myself four bottle of wines and a little present as a reward, yep.
The main thing I've realised is that it is a habit. And although I look forward to the downtime and relaxation of a wine, sometimes I am having one without really thinking, just because it is a habit. I don't think I have a drinking problem as I can stop.....whether I want to is another question. I suppose there are those that will debate that that is a problem.
Habits are formed consciously and subconsciously. And some are easier than others.
Would I do it again? Yes. I think it's important to challenge ourselves and have some "checks and balances". And it was easier than I thought it would be.
Feel free to add your thoughts, personal experiences or ask me any questions.
And if you have recognised any concerns in yourself or anyone close to you, with regards to any of the concepts discussed in the February blogs, but especially with regards to alcohol, please speak to a professional.
Be free to live your best life